Help Pave The Way For Our Kids To Connect With Other Cultures

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We are thrilled to announce that our recent cultural program has shared this international art form and the culture of Pakistan at seven events to date, reaching over 7,200 children and adults in the past six weeks. Be sure to look for us at the Mainx24 Parade on December 1st. A huge thanks to our friends in the Pakistan Community along with the Tennessee Arts Commission, Tennessee Valley Credit Union, The Creative Discovery Museum, ArtsBuild and The Chattanooga Children's Clinic for their support.

When children have the chance to learn about other cultures it deepens their understanding of the world, emboldens their sense of self and introduces them to the beauty of other cultures.

Thirty-two schools in Hamilton County do not have a full time art program and until now, children in Hamilton County had to drive to Atlanta to view visual art from another country.  Now, we have that opportunity and are poised to reach up to six schools this year but we need your help. 

Every $150.00 tax deductible donation brings this interactive art and literacy program to a classroom in Hamilton County. Every $500 covers an entire grade level.  
Select an option from the drop down list, click "Donate" below your selection, and you will be directed to our secure online Paypal account. Thank you for helping us reach more children in Hamilton County

How It Began

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In September 2018, Art 120 and Creative Discovery Museum (CDM) partnered on a community art project with Haider Ali, CEO of Phool Patti, an art collective designed to bring the message of peace, love, harmony and respect across the globe through the traditional art of Pakistani Truck Painting.  Mr. Ali is most known for his commissioned work with the Smithsonian Institute where he created an authentic Jingle Truck for their collection. While in Chattanooga, Mr. Ali transformed our school outreach truck into a traveling piece of art. 


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